
金华摩羯印刷设计公司是一家专业从事印刷设计及印刷贸易公司。本公司拥有专业的设计团队和*的印刷设备,德国海德堡五色对开机、四开四色机、六开四色机及10+1UV印刷机,好的设备才有更好的品质。“好色彩 出好品”也是我们一贯的追求。公司拥有金华东湄厂区、杭州拱墅厂区、宁波鄞州厂区、广州白云厂区,四大厂区及先进的设备,可以满足不同地区客户的需求,从而拉近客户之间的距离。
Capricorn Printing and Design Company in Jinhua is a company that specializes on printing design and trading. This company provides services of a professional design team that uses top-ranking printing equipment such as German Heidelberg five-colorprinting machine, quarto four-colorprinting machine, sixmo four-colorprinting machine and 10+1UV printing machine. Good equipment is a guarantee of a good quality. 
   ”Good color - good product” is our consistent pursuit. Our company uses the advanced equipment from four big factories such as Jinhua Dongmei factory, Hangzhou Gongshu factory, Ningbo Yinzhou factory and Guangzhou Baiyunfactory. It can satisfy the demands of the clients from different regions and minimize the distance between them.
   Our company mainly specializes on design and printing of the products like company pamphlets, books and periodicals, instruction books, posters, shopping bags, in-house literature, magazines, training material, big envelopes, direct magazine advertising, file covers, discount coupons, menu, business cards, envelopes, notepaper, notebooks, address books, greeting cards, invitation cards, red pockets, desk calendars, wall calendars, paper cups, hang tags, adhesive color stickers, top grade cosmetics boxes, facial mask boxes, graphic carton, paper cards, packing boxes and other.  Based on the goal of mutual trust and benefit we put forth effort to create a corporate culture of “innovation, progress and win-win negotiation” in accordance with the philosophy of “considerate service and trustworthy cooperation”.
   Our company offers you the most convenient and fast, comfortable and reliable one-stop shopping experience. If you need to design and print we will do our best to offer you a high-quality service!

企业经济性质: 私营企业
企业类型: 生产加工
公司注册地: 浙江省金华市婺城区美保龙中心
注册资金: 人民币 100 - 250 万元
成立时间: 2016年
员工人数: 11 - 50 人
月产量: 100万
年营业额: 人民币 500 - 1000 万元
年出口额: 人民币 100 万元以下
主要经营地点: 金华市美保龙中心
主要客户: 绿源电动车、中国电信、民生银行、招商银行、外贸公司等
是否提供OEM代加工: 否
开户银行: 金华银行
主要市场: 外贸公司、酒店业、工具厂、**单位及国营单位
主营产品或服务: 本公司承接宣传册、DM单页、海报、手提袋、信封、画册、不干胶、台历挂历、包装盒、纸卡等印刷品设计和印刷一站式服务!公司尊崇“踏实、拼搏、责任的企业精神,并以诚信、共赢、开创经营理念,设计良好的企业环境,以全新的管理模式,完善的技术,周到的服务,**的品质为生存根本,我们始终坚持用户至上 用心服务于客户,坚持用自己的服务去打动每一位客户!